Saturday, August 28, 2021

Smallstorm on THC


I remember being impressed and sharing Smallstorm’s Unravelling Sandy Hook (and especially the beginning part). I’ve never watched any of the full documentaries on Sandy Hook from the conspiratorial perspective, like We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook or Wolfgang Halbig‘s work. Like with Big, Capstone Events like 9/11, I haven’t delved into everything on that topic, but I’ve gotten enough to get a gestalt of High Dubiousness of the official story(ies).
At any rate, I wouldn’t mind more episodes on Sandy Hook in particular. I’m sure, as we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Greg and the rest of the conspiracy and dissident media platforms will have at least some content or commentary on what 9/11 was or is to them (I’m sure Smallstorm has 9/11 viewpoints, as well).
I have admit a fair degree of ignorance in most major and even minor conspiracy events. My certainly open-to-review position on Sandy Hook for a while has been the kids were killed as part of a ritual, 2012 Mayan-esque sacrifice to feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl. But then the kids also showed up at the Super Bowl singing later that year (clones or identical twins?!). And it was certainly all staged (and, as Smallstorm pointing out in ‘Unravelling’, there’s no way [I’m paraphrasing from memory] 90 lb soaking wet autistic and probable MK Ultra subject Adam Lanza could have achieved a near 100% accuracy with kill-to-ammunition spent, when trained special forces don’t come close to that ratio). Greg could do a 2 hour podcast just on Creepy Gene Rosen, I’m sure (Holy shit, this is real. I recall a parody video of the Monkee’s Sleepy Jean to Creepy Gene, but I can’t find it, now…).
There’s also that Fairfield Mental Hospital in close proximity to Sandy Hook I recall reading intrigue about (underground tunnels, etc.) on conspiracy forums. Was that whole fucking town a CIA stage?! Do you see how I might need a fresher analysis of the conspiratorial narrative and perhaps a more fact-based view on SH?

P.S.: 9/11 was Israel and Jews, and also a mass, occult ritual sacrifice (per the millennium beginning), and I’m definitely intrigued by Judy Wood‘s Hurricane Andrew and her directed, exotic energy weaponry narrative (or basement nukes or nano-thermite, yadda yadda, versus conventional E-Thing & Gelatin demolition wiring, a la Building 7). But the WTC towers debate is only ‘internecine squabbling’, according to James Corbett, so I’m willing to forego some of those more harder or impossible to prove speculations regarding 9/11.
The two towers being replaced by the One World Trade center kind of speaks for itself re: ritual theory:

Ryan Dawson‘s apparently done some good, Israelis-did-9/11 link content, but I’ve still to watch that, or even The New Pearl Harbor doc (I’m surprised that’s still on YouTube), or Who Killed John O’Neill, etc.!. I also should probably read The Looming Tower and familiarize myself more with Saudi intrigue and the official narrative, generally. Fwiw, Jane Mayer’s The Dark Side was an early-ish redpill for me vis-à-vis GWOT and renditions, etc., although I’m fairly certain it takes a conventional approach to the 9/11 events narrative in general. I participated in OIF, albeit to a small extent, but undoubtedly this primed me to be quite pissed regarding my nascent 9/11-related redpilling I was experiencing circa 2010-12, since it clearly conflicted with my motivations for said earlier participation(s).

P.P.S.: Looking forward to the Smallstorm interview!


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